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Table salt | „Promar” Ltd.
Main importer of salt for the Bulgarian market since 1991

Table salt

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The Dead Sea’s water is the saltiest in the world at its deepest part at 365 m below the sea level. As its level is dropping drastically down, there is a real risk it to disappear from the face of the Earth after 50 years, should the necessary measures be not taken. This makes the salts extracted thereof exceptionally valuable and rare.
The salt of the kings. Yet Cleopatra, King David and many eminent personalities from the Antiquity, such as Aristotle, were aware of the unique properties of the Dead Sea and its salt.

  • The Dead Sea contains 33-34% salt compared to the other seas and oceans, where the salt content is 3-4%.
  • The Dead Sea contains large number of natural minerals in high concentrations, supplied by the underground mineral springs/thermal springs.

Our table salt from the Dead Sea is the purest, most natural sea salt offered on the market and it has the highest mineral content compared to other kinds of table salt offered on the market.
Our products are marketed under the trade mark “PERLA” for more than 20 years and they are well known to the Bulgarian consumers.



Трапезна йодирана сол Перла 0,5 кг
  1. Table iodized salt Perla 0.5 kg

Iodized sea salt having preserved its wonderful taste and the precious elements from the Dead Sea. Suitable for direct consumption, for cooking meals and for use in salt shakers.


Трапезна йодирана сол Перла 1 кг.
  1. Table iodized salt Perla 1 kg

The table salt extracted from the Dead Sea is of the highest quality and unique in its kind worldwide, having retained its wonderful taste and precious elements.
Suitable for direct consumption, for cooking meals and for use in salt shakers.


Трапезна йодирана сол Екстра 0,5 кг
  1. Table iodized salt Extra 0.5 kg

Fine ground iodized sea salt, having retained its wonderful taste and precious elements from the Dead Sea.
Suitable for direct consumption, for cooking meals and for use in salt shakers.



Трапезна йодирана сол Екстра 1 кг
  1. Table iodized salt Extra 1 kg

The fine ground table salt extracted from the Dead Sea is of the highest quality and unique in its kind worldwide, having retained its wonderful taste and precious elements.
Suitable for direct consumption, for cooking meals and for use in salt shakers.


Сол йодирана за мелене Бисер
  1. Iodized salt for grinding 0.5 kg

Iodized crystal sea salt, having retained its wonderful taste and precious elements from the Dead Sea.
Suitable for salting, for cooking meals and for specially designated salt mills.


Трапезна йодирана сол 30 кг
  1. Table iodized salt 30 and 50 kg

Extremely pure natural product. Table salt from the Dead Sea, having retained its wonderful taste and precious elements and mineral substances, composed of more than 80 chemical elements. Exceptionally suitable for consumption, as well as for the production of bakery and confectionary foods, meat and dairy products and delicacies, fodders, etc.


Трапезна йодирана сол Биг Бегси 1300 кг
  1. Table iodized salt Big-Bags 1300 kg

Extremely pure natural product. Table salt from the Dead Sea, having retained its wonderful taste and precious elements and mineral substances, composed of more than 80 chemical elements. Exceptionally suitable for consumption, as well as for the production of bakery and confectionary foods, meat and dairy products and delicacies, fodders, etc.



Трапезна фина йодирана сол Биг Бегси 1200 кг
  1. Fine ground iodized table salt Big-Bags 1200 kg

Extremely pure natural product. Fine ground table salt from the Dead Sea, having retained its wonderful taste and precious elements and mineral substances, composed of more than 80 chemical elements.
Exceptionally suitable for consumption, as well as for the production of bakery and confectionary foods, meat and dairy products and delicacies, fodders, etc.



Солници трапезна сол Перла
  1. Salt shakers table salt Perla 0.250 kg

Suitable for your table salt shakers with fine ground sea salt, having retained its wonderful taste and precious elements from the Dead Sea. Suitable for direct consumption, for cooking and adding salt to meals and salads.



Солници диетична сол Sal Kal
  1. Salt shakers dietary salt SalKal o.250 kg

Suitable for your table salt shakers with potassium iodized sea salt, having retained its wonderful taste and precious elements from the Dead Sea. Suitable for direct consumption, for cooking and adding salt to meals and salads.
Contents: Potassium chloride – 52%, Sodium chloride – 45%, Potassium iodate – 28-55 mg/kg
It’s a proven fact that the sodium contained in the common salt (sodium chloride) raises the blood pressure upon consumption of big quantities. It is recommended to those suffering from high blood pressure to reduce the administration of sodium.
The numerous products, in which the sodium chloride has been replaced by potassium chloride, has a specific flaw – bitter taste and lower salinity. The SalKal unique formula manages to avoid those two flaws. SalKalTM is a registered trade mark product produced by DEAD SEA WORKS LTD – Israel.



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